I have verified information. This is true and accurate information.


Immigrant rapist and sex offenders living in Broward County. Homosexuals/lesbians have been seen attacking local females in public places. In multiple areas in Broward County.

I was given this information by someone who told me they saw these individuals sexual assault or attempt to rape a female. They say these individuals have a history of attacking women and girls. Mainly American females have been (are being) attacked by these mentally ill immigrants living in this area.

People in the welfare State know each other. People in the free market generally don’t know any welfare recipients. And if you are heterosexual, you probably do not associate with homosexuals and lesbians.


This information is about specific individuals.

This is a group of immigrants; white immigrants from the UK have been attacking females for years locally and probably in other cities and states. Rape and sexual assaults.

These immigrants are welfare recipients. UK immigrants are always member of the welfare state.

Most likely a few of them or all of them in this particular group are infected with HIV/Aid. All of them in this particular group are drug addicts or alcoholics. This is one example of the “program” population. They don’t work.

These lgbt immigrants from this group make extra money from stealing. I’m told that lgbt fbi workers will give these immigrant, sex offenders “jobs” and pay them $50. Yes, $50. These mentally ill immigrants are known to rape children and women and video tape their sick behavior with a cell phone.

In groups, these lgbt immigrants are known to attack heterosexual men.

This particular group of UK immigrants happen to live in Margate. They are currently being housed in gov. subsidized housing somewhere in Margate. (One of the attackers has a heavy lower class UK accent, this is how, it is certain that they are UK immigrants.)

lgbt immigrants increasing Crime in the United States

So the details about these individuals I have been given are the following:

Along with wording I have been given:

It is a “broken down, homosexual old man with a heavy UK accent”. 5′ 7″ 175lbs

From what I’ve been told, I gather he’s slow or has a low IQ.

“He’s mostly bald with a wrinkled, sagged face”. He is most likely an alcoholic or drug addict so it’s hard to distinguish his age. No exact age given. Just that he’s an “old homosexual”.

He has been attacking women and girls attempting to rape. He’s involved in home invasions. He’s a member of a homosexual lesbian group of sex offenders.

He’s a homosexual and he’s jealous of pretty women and girls, which is typical of homosexuals or lesbians. He is seen with an “old lady”. From the description given this “old lady” may actually be an old male on female hormones. This individual has white hair and looks to be 80+. Both of these individuals are UK immigrants. The broken down old homosexual is also seen with a middle age homosexual male. Another immigrant. Dark hair, approximately 5′ 9″ 200lbs.

2 others:

“A middle age homosexual, alcoholic with dark hair” Approximately 6′ 2″ 230lbs. “Middle age bulge around the middle” He is a part of this group and he is also seen with “a large middle age to old-ish female” Approximately 5′ 11″ 260lbs. “She looks big and brawny”. This may be a male on female hormones.

They are claiming that they are being paid by lgbt fbi workers to rape and sexually assault women and girls.

These individuals actually sneak around and attack women and girls as lgbt individuals are known to do. They are cowardly.


I have heard some people say in the past that they were being paid to commit crimes in Broward County by fbi workers. I’ve heard this myself from people. I have no idea why government budget money given to an agency would be used this way.

These mentally ill lgbt individuals will do anything for a small amount of money. $50.

I’m told these homosexual lesbian individuals video tape themselves sneaking around all over the county.

These lgbt individuals have a stench. Dirty old people.

I’m told that lgbt millenniums are also referred to as “dirty old people”. With their aches and pains and reading glasses. …tired, stiff, inflexible bodies. Most of them don’t have professions, they just received checks like the elderly; fixed government income.

No heterosexual would want to touch any of them. They spread disease.

Let me mention this, a few years ago the UK closed all of its mental institutions and sent the inhabitants/patients to the United States, many were sent to Broward County. Probably this is still in progress.

These are rapist, homosexuals lesbians, murderers, thieves, scammers defrauders, every type of deviant released into the United States. Here in the United States these immigrants live off of welfare.

Driving up the cost of healthcare

I’m told that there is always a “waiting list” to see doctors and specialist. This is probably because of this large influx of sick UK immigrants over burdening the United States healthcare system. These immigrants do not pay for their healthcare. This takes health services away from Americans.

The “broken down, homosexual old man” does not have his own money. He is a rapist and he is mentally ill, he’s receiving American welfare, he’s taking up space and committing crimes.

These immigrants need to be deported back to the UK. I understand they are all scheduled for removal but this needs to be done as soon as possible.

At this time and in the future, in the United States if any of these mentally ill immigrants are caught attacking women, children or heterosexual men they can be killed.

Make sure you exercise and have something healthy. …and concentrate on your good deeds.

Have a wonderful day.

Africans and White immigrants from the UK have been roaming through Broward County breaking into homes. These immigrants have been attacking Americans.

They sneak around, creeping around through the night. They don’t work, they receive welfare.

Many of the Slavs and Haitians involved in these attacks have already been deported.

I have a description of one of these immigrants who has been raping American females in Broward County.

I’m told he is approximately 6 feet tall. He is a “yellowish” African probably from the UK. He is skinny, infected with HIV/Aids. He has crooked legs.

Heterosexual women wouldn’t want to touch him.

He’s homosexual. There is always a disgusting, unnaturalness about them. Creepy. Creepiness. This includes the lesbians. Dirty ness.

Always sneaking around. Liars.

He was seen in the Margate area.

With these individuals, you always know right away, they are not American.

This individual is actually a part of a local lgbt group; over weight, UK White immigrant lesbians and other HIV/Aids infected homosexual males.

A lot of these mentally ill immigrants are dying of Aids. They should not be in the United States spreading Aids, they should be deported.

I have heard White immigrants from the UK, Africans and SLAV’s say they were raping females in Broward County.

I heard a group of homosexual Africans broke into an American man’s house in the middle of the night, attacked him in bed and raped him.

In a public place, I overheard a group of Africans brag about attacking and raping a girl and an adult female. These were American females.

These African immigrants are rapist and pedophiles. Same as the lgbt White immigrants from the UK and those homosexual SLAV’s living in Broward County.

Rape is the same as murder.

According to Islamic law; it is a life for a life.

If these mentally ill immigrants are caught in the United States attacking American females, children or heterosexual males, they can be shot to death and they should be.

Pretty American women (one version of American beauty) are thought to be more attractive to these immigrants, than females from their countries.

Not to be insulting but you don’t see females from the UK or Africa represented in beauty pageants.

I don’t want to touch any of them. Do you?

These African immigrants, the White UK immigrants, Haitians and SLAV’s are disgusting. The homosexual males and the lesbian females are disgusting.

In this area, South Florida most of them are infected with HIV/Aids.

I’m going upload that piece I wrote about these immigrants and post it. You’ll have a better understanding. Women should be honest with information.



Do you notice fbi workers never “investigate” homosexuals for pedophilia. You probably can not think of a single case ever in the news.

Do you notice that lesbians do not protect children from homosexual pedophiles?

Have you ever heard a group of lesbians speak out against homosexuals raping children? Can you think of just one time, publicly, lesbians speaking out against pedophile homosexuals?

Why are they so quiet on this crime?

But you always see lesbians in the news attacking heterosexual men, always successful-wealthy men.

But GOD is dealing with them.

Notice how they are always diseased. Usually obese or skinny from HIV/Aids.

So getting back to this “yellowish” African immigrant attacking women in Broward. I have a good feeling that he is already identified, him and his group of overweight lesbians. And so they are already being dealt with.

Why are these lgbt immigrants here in the United States? Free healthcare, free drugs, free money.

Notice how how Europeans; French, Italians, Spaniards, Germans etc. come to the United States with their own money. All except for White immigrants from the UK. They live off of American welfare. This is a fact.

Aren’t UK White immigrants always making hostile comments about Americans and America. How they supposedly, think they are better than Americans? Is this a joke?

They are here in the United States stealing and committing fraud.


You should exercise today. Do something healthy.

Welfare State; lgbt immigrants, sex offenders, rapist


In South Florida immigrants from the UK, Haiti, Africa and various SLAV countries have been attacking Americans.

Thousands of lgbt rapist from Africa infected with HIV Aids are currently living in this area. Same as Homosexuals-lesbians from the UK, Haiti, and SLAVs all receiving welfare.

I’m glad they are being deported.

Africans and White immigrants from the UK are being barred from entering European countries.

Lgbt immigrants are trying to receive unfair preference for asylum in the United States.

These immigrants have been attacking Americans of all races. 

Heterosexual men and their families. American men who have been providing for their families. 

Homosexuals are jealous of heterosexual men.

Many of these deviant, mentally ill lgbt immigrants claim affiliation with homosexual fbi workers.

Doesn’t the fbi have a long history of homosexuality and cross dressing in women’s clothing etc.


How much money did Mr. Marten accumulate, legitimately? Millions. 

How much money is the highest paid fbi given, legitimately?

Individuals in the welfare state can not afford to buy one house at average market value.

Isn’t this a fact? 

So if you see these individuals in homes costing 600k + then you know they are squatting in homes they do not own. They could barely afford the house payments of a 300k house, barely. This would be under a 30 year mortgage.

They can not afford to pay off a house costing under 100K. 

I know this for a fact, I had my real estate license for the State of North Carolina so I saw all of this up close.

And so deportations are expanding.

Have a Great day and make sure you eat healthy and exercise.

All Praises are due to ALLAH.

RE: lgbt immigrants attacking American women and scheduled deportations.

Over past few days in Broward County, lgbt immigrants have been attacking American women and girls.

These attacks have been in public places and during home invasions.

These are White immigrants from the UK, lgbt lesbians and homosexuals seen attacking American women and girls. Why? because these immigrants are mentally ill.

I’m told that homosexual/lesbians Haitians and Africans are also involved in these attacks against America women and girls.

These are sex offenders; pedophiles, rapists. Theives etc.

To my knowledge, all of these immigrants receive welfare. They are members of the welfare state.


Someone informed me:

Deportations are scheduled for the UK immigrants, Africans and Haitians.

These deportations are scheduled to begin next month, January 2024 and continue into October of the same year. Batches of these immigrants will be removed. There will be a series of deportations.

If and when certain individuals are deported, it is GOD’s will.

Thousands of Haitians have already been deported from the United States.

Africans and White immigrants from the UK are being barred from entering most of Europe.

Many of these lgbt immigrants are infected with HIV Aids.

A lot of these lgbt immigrants are jealous of Americans. These immigrants seem especially jealous of attractive females.

The majority of these lgbt individuals are sex offenders, the lesbians and homosexuals.

It’s good they are being deported.


I will post more information about this .

A new bicycle I bought was stolen by lgbt immigrants several days ago, from a bank parking lot in Margate. Coconut Creek parkway and 441.

You frequently see groups of homosexuals males or groups of lesbians roaming all over Broward County. So more than likely these are the individuals who stole my bicycle.

And groups of these mentally ill lgbt immigrants are known to sneak around in the middle of the night, looking for things to steal.

These are the individuals, the hate group lgbt that attacked Mr. Marten and his family. They wanted his money.

I’m glad they are being deported.

A reliable source tells me that over the past few days disgruntled lgbt immigrants have been roaming through Broward County vandalising property.

Many of these immigrants are infected with HIV/Aids. All of them receive welfare.

Homosexuals lesbians

These are lgbt White UK immigrants, homosexual Africans and various other lgbt immigrants.

From what I have seen, these lgbt immigrants receive social security benefits that are supposed to be reserved for the elderly and handicap people.

Come see for yourself, if you visit any social security office in Broward County on any day and you will see hundreds of immigrants age range 20’s applying and receiving social security welfare benefits.

You won’t see even 20 elderly Americans at these offices on any given day.

These lgbt immigrants also claim to receive “under the table” money from homosexual workers in the fbi.

I’ve heard many of these immigrants say they don’t like Americans and that they want to do harm to Americans.

I’ve also heard White UK immigrants brag about attacking American women and American men with families. I’ve also heard Africans bragging about attacking American females. I’ve heard these immigrants brag about attacking families in their homes in the middle of the night.

A lot of these lgbt immigrants are pedophiles and rapists.

Even the desperate lesbians are known to sneak around and be involved in this attacks.

Homosexual immigrants are trying to claim “special immigrant status” because they say they are “sexually percecuted” in their country.

This is what they are told to say, in order to stay in the United States and receive welfare.

A lot of these immigrants are DUE FOR DEPORTATION. They are being deported.

They should be deported immediately.

You should exercise today. Have a Great day.

Back to http://www.butterflyflame.wordpress.com

Last week October 18th Wednesday my unit in Margate was broken into.

Various items were stolen. My tablet was stolen.

White lgbt immigrants from the UK are the theives that broke into my unit and stole.

I’m certain these lgbt immigrants broke into my unit. In Broward County, you always see these Uk lgbt immigrants milling around storage units and facilities.

On any given day, if you rent a storage unit in Broward county, you will always see dozens of white UK immigrants going back and forth to the same unit.

Mentally ill drug addicts, alcoholics, pedophiles, rapists living off welfare or a gov. “program”.You will see these UK immigrants with homosexual lesbian Africans.

The White lgbt immigrants are the same as the Africans, Haitians and SLAVS. None of them own businesses or contribute. They don’t own real estate.

They come from poor families and they are angry with society and “rich people”.

These are the individuals who claim to get $50 from homosexual fbi workers that they are aquatinted with.

But GOD has them.

Come to Broward County and you’ll see these White lgbt immigrants, along with Africans and various other immigrants, roaming through Broward County, driving around in circles all day in a welfare car that they do not own.

Middle age, out of shape, mentally ill, idle individuals. Most of them have low IQ’s.

Most of them are middle age “millenials”.

If they are members of this corrupt welfare group; they are stiff, out of shape, low energy with large protruding abdomens.

They don’t exercise regularly.

In about 10 years these “millenials” will be looking at retirement. All of them look old now.

Immigrants in a foreign country.

The more they steal and vandalize, the poorer they get.

So you see “crime does not pay”.


I remember reading somewhere that the UK conquered its own people.

Its true.

Peasants, descendants from peasants never became business people or business owners.

Any business endeavor or “territory” they owned was actually partially owned by the State or the Crown.

The UK “owner” was more like a tenant with the true owner being the State or the Crown.Only aristocrats and Royals truly owned real estate and land in the UK.

The peasant population in the UK was never freed.

If you disagree, exactly what year were they freed from the State or the Crown?

This is why they expect welfare for life.

So in 2023, the peasants are still sneaking around and stealing.

GOD will, and has always made the peasant thief pay for what he (she lesbian) steals.

UK immigrants and Africans were involved in this, they wanted Mr. Martens wealth and they were jealous of Mr. Martens family.

They are jealous of Americans who own homes, real estate and businesses. And they are jealous of Royals.

Browse Our Recipes

Today’s topic:

Lgbt immigration, Africans and White UK immigrants

UK housing market

I have a theory; since Brexit was a failure the UK will try to use other countries in order to stay afloat. Lie, steal and cheat.

All of a sudden wars are erupting. France is in conflict with its African colonies, out of the blue.

But France can still remedy this situation. Those “protest” were exaggerated for the cameras.

Do you know what immigrants from the UK have been doing for years?

White immigrants have been going into foreign countries in Asia, South America and throughout Europe pretending to be American. Pretending to be from the United States. Pretending to represent America. This is a big deal.

If you are American, remember years ago, you use to hear how people in other countries didn’t “like” Americans? Did you know why?

It was these individuals from the UK pretending to be American, spreading hatred. This was deliberate, this is how the UK fight its wars. Does the UK have a military? No.

So they fight by sending individuals to move into countries; they sneak around, tell lies and create chaos.

They tend to live off welfare. No morals. White UK immigrants and Africans are used as slaves. But peasantry and slavery is the norm for them, they prefer this lifestyle. It’s called “job security”.

They don’t have human feelings, thoughts or emotions.

They are mostly homosexual, lesbian.

Do you ever see African families headed by a man?

Do you frequently see African men married to African women raising children together? In the United States? You probably wouldn’t even see this in Africa.

But you do see African males trying to run out of Africa. You see African females with children but no husband. And you see them letting their children starve to death.

The same behavior follows for Whites in the UK. They just like to pretend. Phoney

Do most of the people in the UK , even know who their father is?

Look at how phony and hypocritical the individuals in the UK are; they talk about how the United States, Germany and other countries should pay restitution, all other countries except the UK.

So why are these immigrants in the United States?

The White immigrants from the UK and Africans are rapist, pedophiles, thieves and liars. The majority of these immigrants, if not all of them are lgbt homosexuals lesbians. A large percentage of them are infected with HIV/Aids and all of them live off welfare or gov. “programs”.

They should be deported as scheduled.


Pray, exercise, eat healthy.

Re: White immigrants from the UK and African immigrants. Break-ins, thefts and rape.

Yesterday, over heard a White immigrant from the UK talking about other UK immigrants breaking into people’s homes and stealing.I also heard that these UK immigrants are attacking Americans in this State, specifically South Florida.

These are mainly lgbt immigrants.Remember, this is the group of immigrants I overheard, say they attacked Mr. Marten and his family. One overweight White immigrant said Mr. Marten’s wife was poisoned with arsenic.

These White immigrants from the UK were jealous of Mr. Marten and they talked about how they wanted his money and his Cadillac escalade.Homosexual Africans were at the scene attacking Mr. Marten.

These immigrants receive welfare and they some of them get gov jobs so they can have access to gov databases and steak.They look for ways to steal from American homeowners and business owners.Today, I overheard a White female immigrant, probably from the UK and a male talk about how they wanted to kill Americans.

White immigrants from the UK really don’t like Americans, they are jealous of Americans.

The UK has been emptying its mental institutions in the United States. Recently, the UK has increased sending murderers, lgbt pedophiles, rapist etc. Especially since Brexit is a failure more UK immigrants are trying to come to the United States for welfare.Mentally ill lgbt Whites from the UK and mentally ill homosexual lesbian Africans are being sent to the US.

They are being sent to the United States because they can receive welfare in the United States. No other country will give them welfare for life.

Immigrants or peasants from the UK don’t own property or real estate, they expect welfare for life.Do they start businesses? Name ONE English or African restaurant.

Name ONE English or African chain or franchise in America. Just one. Notice, all the other Europeans come to the United States with their own money, except the English.

They (lgbt White UK immigrants and Africans) don’t contribute to any healthy society. They sneak around, steal and tell lies. They spread disease. Isn’t this true.

Don’t homosexuals lesbians have low morals.

They can’t be trusted around heterosexuals adults or children.

Isn’t this true.

These immigrants come to the United States to steal, and cause harm to Americans and American families they have to be deported.

Do you want homosexuals lesbians living next door to you? Do you want them around your children?

Mr. Marten took care of his family and made his money legitimately. A Good person.

I’m going to mention something that you may already know.

fbi workers/welfare state

Here is what someone told me:

Fbi workers send their drug addict criminal acquaintances and friends into communities to commit crimes.

These mentally ill individuals, sneak around and break into homes, businesses, steal, vandalize property etc.

The area suddenly has an increase in crime. A business owner may call the police and say that their business was burglarized or they were robbed.

The entire county of homeowners (especially those with morgages paid off) and legitimate business owners are imploring their politicians to address the crime.

Then out of nowhere, guess who shows up with a solution to this sudden spike in crime?

fbi workers.

These fbi workers tell the business owner, who has had their business broken into that they can have a “security” worker sit inside their store and “help” them out.

This security worker is always a criminal; a drug addict, pedophile, rapist, thief or some other deviant.

Birds of a feather…

fbi workers/criminals clash with honest men and women.

I don’t know if the merchant is charged for this “security worker”.

If the merchant is not charged for this “service”, then welfare budget money covers this.

There is a word for this type of corruption. I think this was prevalent in the 1930’s and 40’s in large cities.

This security worker is always an immigrant. This means that someone, probably the person (s) in the welfare state who “helped them” get to America.

Then “magical” after more welfare money has been paid out or stolen, the spike in crimes, in that area suddenly recieeds.

… until the next time these individuals are sent out and paid $50.

This is mostly lgbt activity.


Something else I wanted to mention regarding the way typical homosexuals/lesbians behave.

You may feel sick 🤢 sick to your stomach:

One day, several months ago I was in a store in Margate; a lesbian, approximately 300lbs was very loudly telling everyone in the store that she likes to perform oral sex on other females. Except she used vulgar, more descriptive words.

She kept talking and talking.

I noticed she was obese.

This over weight individual was very loud.

This is typical lesbian lgbt, public behavior in Broward County.

This individual was a white immigrant from the UK, 30+ middle age.

But race has nothing to do with disgusting lesbian behavior.

Let me tell you this,

(I plan to put this information in my book)

While I was at that facility, straighting out that legal matter (I will give you all the details in my book)

there was an African female there, who was sneaking around during the night, putting her mouth on other female’s vaginas.

When she was caught in the act, she had to be beaten off the female like a rabid dog.

She had those plaits or braids sticking out all over her head. Bald ish like alot of African females.

Sneaking, doing something like this. Can you imagine?

Make any heterosexual female feel like throwing up.

And these lesbians usually have children. Because in the welfare state they receive more money for their children born out of wedlock.

I think, I should write all this information out, I shouldn’t keep this information to myself.

Yes, they are yucky. Disgusting.

Homosexual males associate with lesbians both are always jealous of pretty females or masculine men.

But all of this should be made public.

GOD sees everything that they do, and they are always reckoned with.

Look at the UK, tens of thousands of them clanmering to leave and emigrate to the United States especially after Brexit. Mental institutions closed and sending these former occupants to the United States.

Look at Africans, with their continent of starving, dirty babies, clanmering to leave Africa.

What kind of women will sit and watch their babies starve to death?

GOD sees everything, every one does.


Do something healthy today and tomorrow.

Schedules Deportations

lgbt Homosexuals lesbians from Africa the UK.


Homosexual males and lesbians many infected with HIV Aids

These immigrants claim to be affiliated with Homosexual fbi workers.

These immigrants claim to be involved in romantic homosexual relationships with the local fbi workers and the homosexual immigrants are saying they can not be deported, although the majority of these immigrants are sex offenders, pedophiles and rapists.

Someone told me that over this weekend, homosexual Africans and Whites from the UK, along with masculine lesbians, were breaking into homes. These mentally ill individuals were also attacking heterosexual females.

A lot of these individuals are already scheduled for removal but they should be separated from the population in the mean time.

Do any of these individuals have professions?

No, they don’t, they are members of the welfare state same as fbi workers.

The jobs at those government agencies, like the fbi are welfare jobs.

Most of these individuals come from the lowest socio economic level.

They don’t have morals.

If you are born into a poor family you could high morals.

But, are homosexuals lesbians known to have high morals?

Do you want homosexuals around your children? or around your family?

This agency, fbi employs a lot of homosexuals, substance abusers, rapists, pedophiles etc.

Isn’t this true?

I’m glad these deviant immigrants are being removed.

KAFIRS meaning is non believer in Arabic. On the internet, it says that this word is offensive. There’s nothing more offensive than a non believer.

A lot of the ones who intended harm, are already infected.


Stretch, exercise and do something healthy.