Topic: Broward Partnership (Pompano)

The majority of the population at this facility are LGBT homosexual lesbian.  This observation and conclusion is confirmed in homeless statistics.  The homosexual population at this facility is far greater than 40%.



LGBT homosexuals/transsexuals/lesbians

Substance abuse and mental illness is extremely high among these individuals.  In general, most of these individuals are hostile towards women (hetrosexual) especially, the healthier, more attractive women, for some reason.

Homosexuals in general are violent towards women and children, statistics supports this fact.

Vandals, thieves, the mentally ill and drug addicts

Some of the occupants in the female dorms stay awake during the night, waiting for everyone else to go to sleep.  Then after they think the person(s) is asleep, these individuals will get up and rummage through purses, lockers or anything of value.  They steal in the female dorm.

Most of these (middle age 30+) “females” have self identified as lesbians.

These individuals seem to have an uncontrollable sexual attraction to other women.  A lot of this sick, unnatural behavior may be due to a form of jealousy. A lot of the lesbians feel as though they are not attractive or wanted by success hetrosexual men. This  rejection makes them angry or jealous of the women they think hetrosexual men are attracted to.

Since they have been rejected all their lives by men they turn to the same gender. Probably, lesbians wish they could be with a successful hetrosexual man.


Maybe, if these lesbians spent their time developing themselves into decent human beings, they would like themselves more and this would not be a conflict.


Final comment

You may be able to find out if this is true:

Remember, I mentioned in the previous entry that a lot of the immigrants at this facility seem to think they have “preference” for County or city programs and jobs?

I have heard it mentioned that these LGBT individuals have been suing the County and various employers over “homosexual rights”.  You may be able to find out the number and nature of these LGBT lawsuits against the County, companies and Broward municipalities.

These individuals have been claiming “protected status”  and “preference” for housing and employment at the expense of the rest of the population.  Men need employment, women sometimes need to be employed.

Why are homosexuals given “protected” status?  What about everyone else?



I would like to share this information.

This is a brief summary of last night’s “town meeting”.  

In the packed cafeteria dinning room.  Attendees 85% male.

This meeting was held at Broward Partnership (Pompano Beach) February 20, 2020 7:30p.  This meeting was for the occupants and the staff.

Opening the town meeting was the Director of Resident Coordinators.  I will add his name later.  Present, at this meeting was the person in charge of Program Services, Carol.

There were two other female Staff members.

Brief recap:

The Director informed the audience that, this month alone this Pompano Beach facility just received nearly 100 new occupants.  Last month this Pompano facility was at 1/2 capacity.

What attracted 100 people to this facility in 4 weeks?

If last month, this facility was nearly empty, what prompted this sudden influx?

If you pass by the 1700 Blount Road location, there are people sleeping on the sidewalks outside this facility.  (They say they are paid to do this).



The meeting began on a positive note.

3 people stood up and were recognized for having jobs. Everyone clapped.

Then 2 people were recognized and given paper certificates for being good occupants.  Everyone clapped again.  I clapped too.

Other homeless facilities compared to Broward Partnership.

Then this “town meeting” turned dark.

I was scared.

It was a downward spiral:

First, the Director began the spiral by informing the audience that “we” looked at other models of homeless facilities around the Country and “we” all agree; Broward Partnership is the best.

“The other facilities around the Country have strict rules.”      “We don’t.”

“We don’t have strict rules.”      I gather, this is a source of pride.

He continued; “We don’t care, if you return to this facility drunk, as long as you stay to yourself.  We won’t bother you drunk. Just don’t bother anyone else”.


The Director informed us; there are people smoking drugs in the gazebo.  The occupants who use this shabby gazebo or yard area, call it “the bird cage.”.

There are people smoking drugs on the premises in plain sight.

I know what you are thinking: You have never been to a town meeting like this.


So the director’s question to the audience was this:

“Why?  Why, when you have 16 hours a day to use drugs away from the facility, why do you use drugs on the premises?”


The audience clapped to this question.

I didn’t clap.




“If I catch you smoking drugs in the bathroom, automatic discharge.”

Well, that’s a good policy, but what about other areas of the facility?

Next issue: Community Service, Cleaning up the premises.

Question to the audience: “Why can’t you help out in the kitchen?  Why can’t you clean the dorms?

We only need 5 people at a time in the kitchen.  5 people.

That’s only 15 people per day.  There’s over 200 people here!”

The Director talked about discharging occupants.

The spiral continues…

“If you get discharged, we didn’t do that.  You did that to yourself.”  “Don’t blame us.”

“You are suppose to meet with your case manager once a week and talk about progress”.

Carol, from Program Services interjected:

“Let me tell you, how you can stay here…”

“You have to find a job.”

“If you don’t find a job, we will release you in the streets.”  “We will put you on the streets.”

“The street!”

See, right here is where a female would stare at the staff in fright.

Probably, a man would too.  Any person who recently lost their place of domicile.


There was one other staff member, I didn’t get her name.  She talked briefly and very pleasantly about the wonderful services Broward Partnership offers occupants.

The Director concluded the town meeting:

“Yes, that’s right, every thing here is free!  We give you free toothbrushes, free washing powder, free clothes..”

“We give you free toothbrushes.”  free!  “you get free toothbrushes, here.”

“We put in, TV sets in all the dorms.  The County didn’t do that, we did that because we care about you. We put in that new computer lab, the County didn’t pay for that.”

Beds unmade

Director: “Let me ask, one of the children in the back; do you make your beds in the morning?”

Child: “I sure do!”  Audience: clapped

“Why don’t you make your beds?  Suppose somebody wants to come look at the place and donate money, then they see your bed unmade.  You think they are going to want to donate money?  Make your beds!”

The director took a few general questions then the meeting ended.

End of Comment






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