After meeting with case mgr. Toija Sutherland and her supervisor, Carol Lazarus I thought it was a good idea to give them feedback, below is a copy of the letter.


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June 17, 2020 OPEN LETTER



RE: Feed back from meeting; Carol Lazarus (Program Services)  Toija Sutherland (Case Mgr) and Lilah Shahid (Client) June 15, 2020 at 11am.


Good Evening,

I hope everyone is well.  I would like to briefly touch on a few key points that you, Ms. Lazarus brought up during the meeting.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews).

B. Other clients on premises who recently found employment.

C. Occupant #438.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews)

Ms. Lazarus and I have met briefly, once prior to this meeting.  We addressed an issue or misunderstanding between Ms. Sutherland and myself.  Ms. Sutherland claimed that I did not call her at a designated appointment time. I did call her at the designated time. This misunderstanding was corrected.

First, Ms. Lazurus you asked me how many interviews have I had.  I informed you that since the COVID-19, shut down (which is starting to be lifted) I have not had any, in- person interviews.

As we all know, the County has been shut down.  You, Ms. Lazurus gave the impression that I, in some major way, control the local shut down orders, I know this is ridiculous and surely you did not intend to imply this.

You and Ms. Sutherland did give the impression that I should have been applying for jobs in-person despite the stay at home orders; “you should have been going out looking for a job.”  You didn’t say exactly where I should have been “going out”, except Ms. Sutherland mentioned that I should have been applying at restaurants, in person.  I did mentioned that I have been using the internet, making virtual contacts.

The county was on a stay at home order. Up until recently, businesses all over the Country were shut down, employment and businesses have been stalled. A lot of stores and businesses are still closed.

But now the County is reopening.

B. Other occupants on premises who recently found employment

“Employment has been stalled” But according to you and Ms. Sutherland, this is not so.  You both claim that many people from Broward Partnership have recently found jobs.

Ms. Sutherland claims that a large number of Broward Partnership occupants have been hired at various companies.  She didn’t have the names of these companies but she said that several people are now, new hires as a result of them “beating the pavement.”

According to what the occupants say in the female dorm, only 2 people have jobs.  Two people. This is a main topic in the female dorm. 2 people out of 30.

Apparently, this inaccurate information of new hires at Broward Partnership was intended to show me,  how slack I have been in my job searches.  Am I correct with this inference?  I am not going to use the exact wording, you used Ms. Lazarus because I am a lady, I do not use that kind of derogatory language. But this is what you wanted to convey?

Frankly, I found your tone unnecessarily hostile and negative.  Ms. Lazarus, you do not know my background, nor did you bother to inquire.  You did not ask me pertinent questions such as; “what are your employment goals?”  “are there any barriers to you finding employment?”  “what have you been doing during the COVID-19 shut down?”

Don’t you agree that these are some important questions to ask before making a judgement as to whether or not a client is “progressing” towards “permanent housing”?

From there,  maybe you and Ms. Sutherland could use your expertise to address any perceived barriers or offer advice. The goal would be to remove any perceived barriers and motivate the client.

Ms. Lazarus, do I strike you as a person, not motivated?

C. Occupant #438

I thought DORM issues were addressed by the Resident Coordinators and the RC Director.  And so I saw no reason to go to you, Ms. Lazarus or Ms. Sutherland with any dorm issue.  Obviously, with people living in a community environment, matters and concerns will need to be addressed. I thought the RC’s were doing a good job.

You, Ms. Lazarus informed me that the individual assigned to bed#438 came to you and complained about someone spraying perfume in the female dorm.  #438 (I do not know this person’s true name) communicated to you and other staff members that this perfume causes an allergic reaction.

You asked me, if I have been spraying this perfume. I told you “no”.  I don’t spray any perfume in the dorm.  You informed me that this person #438 has been “choking on the perfume”.  If this were true, I wondered why this person hasn’t called one of the RC’s when the perfume is first sprayed, so the RC can smell the perfume and  correct the problem on the spot?

Question: If the individual’s (#438) health, is that precarious and strained, wouldn’t that individual need medical attention? Or are you going to tell 30 people, who claim to be female to stop wearing perfume?

You also made the statement to me; “you have a problem with [bed #438]”   I don’t have a problem with anyone.  However, there is a problem with theft in the female dorm.

I mentioned to you that this person #438 has a history of stealing and is not honest.  A group of people in the female dorm were complaining about someone going into their lockers, this was several weeks ago.  The person Bed #438 made the statement “that’s the way it is here”.

Since you brought up the habitation conditions in the dorms; $20 dollars was stolen out of my wallet and Bed #438 may have been the one who took the money. I can elaborate on how I drew this conclusion.

You seem, not interested in addressing this theft issue.  You say I’ve been here for 5 months? It has actually been less than 5 months.  The person in Bed #438 has been here for SEVERAL YEARS.  This person is unemployed, refuses to assist with cleaning up the premises.  Uses vulgar language etc. Just out of curiosity, why haven’t you addressed this?

You say, you have been telling females to adjust to this environment.  According to you, environments don’t change.  Of course environments do change.

You are aware of the reoccurring issues in the female dorm; the same complaints of theft, vandalism and violations of personal space, to put it mildly. These matters have been left to fester for a very long time.  When females come to you, why haven’t you been addressing these issues?

Did you intend to tell me that I should adjust to this illegal, criminal activity or did I misunderstand you?  I must have, because we (women) don’t tell people to adjust to corruption.


I do feel like I have grown as a person, over these last 4 months at Broward Partnership.  This experience has been very beneficial.  And I do contributed as much as possible while here. Last month, I was able to register a business with the state of Florida.  The business name is; Lauderdale Beach Yoga, LLC.  After the County fully reopens, I will be providing Yoga classes on the beach.

I will meet with Toija, Ms. Sutherland on Friday at 4p for our bi weekly updates.  If you have any questions or would like to speak with me, please let me know.

Enjoy your evening,

Lilah Shahid


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Many homosexuals are celebrating homosexual pride. this month.

Homosexual pride parades were cancelled this year due to social distancing and so alot homosexuals used the riots as a platform.


This is a racist hate group many of its members are pedophiles and rapist.  Isn’t this a verifiable fact?


TOPIC: Broward Partnership (LGBT immigrant rapist on premises.)


It is possible that there may be rapists on Broward Partnership premises. I think a few immigrant sex offenders/rapist have already left this facility, recently.

But there may be a few still on the premises.  These are LGBT immigrants who are probably due for deportation.

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The African or Haitian male that I described (LGBT male late 20’s early 30’s infected with HIV/Aids) who may have entered the female dorm during the time frame I gave, would be a rapist.  I have heard that American females in particular have been attacked by this  individual (African/Haitian immigrant) in the past.




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I received the following information:  There is a sex offender, a LGBT immigrant  male being housed in the male dorm.  (There may be several.)

However, it is my understanding that this particular immigrant has been sexually assaulting females on Broward Partnership premises, for some time.  I do not know for how long; months or years.

I am told that this individual is actually a homosexual who wants to be a female.

I don’t know this individual’s identity.  I do not know any of the occupants. A few, I may exchange cordial greetings, make comments to, or ask brief questions.  I do not know any of the occupants beyond this.

Continuing; this immigrant is said to be infected with HIV/Aids.  He is African or Haitian late 20’s-early 30’s.  Very thin (from the infection) and I am told; he is borderline mentally retarded.


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The other individual I described:

A second possible male.  Today, I heard his name is CHRISTIAN or something similar.  This male is an ethnic white immigrant, obese or heavy set.  For some reason this individual, who pretends to be deaf, approaches me when he see me.  I saw and heard this individual, in the laundry room conversing with another occupant with his back turned; meaning this individual CAN HEAR and speak.


The above individual looks to be a SLAV.

And so these immigrant rapists will continue until they are captured and prevented from causing harm to women and children.  Both of these LGBT males may be infected with HIV/Aids and if they are, they will infected others.  They may have all ready infected others.


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I will do my part; which is to; do right and share information…

…and nature/the law will run its course.


Like a Day Without Sunshine: The Past and Future of Florida Citrus ...


Changing the subject.

This happened last week, I believe it was Wednesday. SHIRLEY was the RC on duty. 

One other thing I wanted to mentioned about the individual who pretends to be deaf.  A few days ago, this individual entered the dinning facility near closing time at approximately 6:45p.  The dinning facility closes at 7p.

At 7:15p this individual was alone in the dinning facility and refused to leave. SHIRLEY asked him to leave.  He wouldn’t leave.  She left him sitting in the dinning facility alone.  One of the cooks asked him to leave around 7:15p he got up and left his food tray on the table.  Staff had to tell him to remove it.


This individual pretends to be deaf, so more than likely he is receiving SSI for a “disability”.  He is at the facility just walking around, all day; making baby noises like he wants people to think he’s desirable and can not hear.

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This is an immigrant, adult LGBT male who weights nearly 250lbs. Obese. He does not assist with clean up.


I heard him conversing with another occupant in a LOUD voice with his back turned.   Around females, this individual behaves violently. He is a LGBT male, so he doesn’t like women.

I think this is one of the male occupants who have been entering the female dorm at night.

You see this kind of strange, irrational behavior (described above) from the individuals involved in violating rules (stay out of the female dorm) and laws (do not engaging in drug use on the premises).


How is this case coming along?




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Broward Partnership

Topic: Incident

I have informed the staff of this incident.

Time frame of the incident: 11p to 2a the following morning.

March 6, 2020

I was asleep during this time, I awaken at approximately 2am.  The individual in the next bunk bed was noisily rustling on their bed.  And there seemed to be movement, a lot of  foot traffic near the main door.


I awaken, I touched my hair.  It had been cut in the back.   I have curly hair, dense curls. A large patch of hair was cut from the left towards the back.  The sides and back was also cut.    I immediately arose and informed the Resident Coordinator on duty of what had occurred.  I showed her the area where my hair had been cut.  The person at the security desk, later told me the residents coordinator’s name is TANISHA.

Who did it?  I’m sure this can be discovered.

Obviously, I am not the first female this mentally ill individual has cut hair from, late at night (while the person was asleep).

This, like the other behavior I mentioned  -cutting female clothing-  in the previous entry suggest psychopathic tendencies.

And as we all know, these types of individuals infest these types of facilities; emergency shelters, orphanages, jails, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, mental health hospitals etc.

Anywhere they think, there is a “vulnerable” population.  Usually women and children are targeted but sometime males are targeted.

We briefly covered this topic, in one of my basic psychology courses. People working in law enforcement would know a lot more about these types of individuals, than I would.


I wish, I had awaken while this individual(s) was near me.


What I do know from personal experience is that Africans, Haitians (both males and females) but especially the females seem to have an odd fixation on my hair type.

This fixation is more noticeable when I grow my hair longer.

Complete strangers usually African or Haitian females will approach me in public places and ask me; “how do you get your hair like that?”    I would answer ” you mean curly, it grows that way.”   And they would continue to stare at it with a longing expression on their faces.


About my hair, she was only kidding…

One older white female asked me “is that all your hair?”   “It’s nice, I wish I had it”, she said.    That was funny.

And believe it or not, homosexual white males would stare at it.  And I would always think: it’s just hair.  What’s the big deal?   Hair.   This was long before I understood these types of males were homosexual.


Back to who probably did it, who actually cut it.  This is considered assault.   I would guess an African or Haitian female or transsexual cut my hair because the way it was cut. I think the criminal was hoping I would not notice the shorter hair.

…or it could have been a disgruntled SLAV, who knows?

Something like this happen before, I will go into that in the coming days.  I promise to be forthright about all information I share and I think it is useful to others for me to share these experiences.

Reason for this mentally ill behavior: probably jealousy.

Broward Partnership is full of immigrants/violent drug addicts.

They vandalize property and steal.  They behave the way drug addicts are known to behave.

We will discuss solutions later, at the end of this entry. 



Here is information I have discovered:  You notice how I say these are African and Haitian immigrants living in Broward County (all of South Florida)?  There are very few Black Americans in Broward County.  Very few.

Several days ago, I happen to come across footage from the Baltimore Riots 4 years ago.  While viewing the footage, do you know what I noticed?  These were not black Americans rioting.

These were Africans destroying Baltimore.

And if you think about it; why would people who grew up in a city or neighborhood, work in that neighborhood, went to church in that neighborhood, family members are buried there, remember going to school in that neighborhood, remember going to the movies nearby. Remember learning how to ride a bicycle, learning how to drive…

Friends and family members lived in those houses, had children, got married, got pregnant, brought new born babies home from the hospital to live in that neighborhood.  Worked at the local hospital. Family members returned home, in that city for visits. Residents started businesses in that city…

Their families have been living in that area since the 1800’s…

Inspired to protest for political reasons and fairness.


Why would they burn down their memories and property?  Why would they do that? Black Americans did not do that.  I saw mostly Africans in that riot footage.

Now ask: why would Africans do that?

Have you seen footage of Africa or Haiti? What do you think?

Black Americans voices are different from African/Haitian voices.

There may have been a few Black Americans in those riot crowds but very few if any would vandalize that city or any city.


Also, as a note these African neighborhoods located in the United States have a significant LGBT presence.  A lot of African males are homosexual.  It’s rare, if you find a heterosexual African man among them.

Hence the prevalence of HIV/Aids in Africa, and the spreading of Aids in the United States within communities inhabited by Africans.



The next question: Why are there suddenly so many Africans in the United States?  There are more Africans than Black Americans in the United States.

Here is what I have discovered.  I mentioned a few months ago, that there were tens of thousands of Africans placed in Broward County over the previous months.  These Africans came from the UK.  Great Britain.

These Africans are not UK citizens, they were never given citizenship.  They were just living in the UK, then they were brought to the United States.

They were/are used as slaves.  If you ask the African immigrants about this, they will deny it.  He or she will probably start using a lot of profanity.  The purpose of the profanity is to prove they are American.

The Africans have been given English last names.  This makes it easier for them to claim to be American.   Africans want to blend in with Black Americans.   But Africans don’t like Americans, I have heard them say this.


The Africans I have overheard talking are Afraid of whites.  A lot of homosexual African males, like being sexually intimate with white males but they are still generally afraid of whites.  Unless their “master” or handlers tell them not to be afraid. White homosexuals prefer Africans and Haitians too.  Did you know this?

I just realized something, not very many Africans write books about their lives. Interesting.


Africans only make up 1% of the UK’s population.  Just one percent.  Do you know how long Africans have been migrating to the UK?    Before the 1200’s.  Are you aware of how many children they have on average?

And the UK African population is only at 1%.      1 percent.

The UK has been sending its African population to the United States, for a long time.

No wonder, so many “Black Americans” suddenly want to be called “African-Americans”.



To be honest, from what I have observed, the English (Peasantry) are ruthless people.

Africans (Slaves) are cold bloodied and callous (they let their children starve to death) so maybe the two cultures understand each other.

After their children starve to death, the Africans pride themselves on being “sexy” so they just reproduce more children.

From what I have heard Africans say and from the behavior I have observed; the Africans are slaves.  They are accustomed to this arrangement and appear comfortable.

However, the Africans expect the English to provide for them, the way a slave owner would provide for their slaves.

Slavery is active in Africa and the Africans expect to be slaves.

Most of the Africans love their English masters or maybe they pretend to, I don’t know.

The Africans even wish to look white. This is true.  Most of them wish for Caucasian hair.

I think, they want their hair to be as close to Caucasian as possible.   This explains the obsession with my hair (and my sisters’ hair) when it grows long.  I have curly afro hair but the longer it grows, the curls fall and it no longer looks like an afro.   So what? Does this matter?

Just go to the “hair store” buy some fake hair and glue or sew it to their scalps. GREAT.

Slaves want to look like their master.    These English “masters”  are actually peasants or descendants of peasants.

I thought feudalism, no longer existed in the UK.

The English stratified system seems to be Nobility followed by Peasantry (the masses), followed by Africans (Slaves).  Feudalism still exist.

This group of immigrants  is currently living in Broward County and they have brought their class structure with them.


Neither, the Peasantry nor the Slaves own property.  Both groups expect to be provided for by the State.  This includes free housing, free health care, free drugs and free education.

In exchange for these provisions, they expect and agree to have a “master” or handler.

These groups have willing forfeited all their God given rights and freedoms.  Most of them are atheist so this is the norm for them.  There is no sense of community responsibility.

They are very hateful.

And they expect to be managed.


Solutions to illegal immigration, LGBT violent immigrants: Deportation

Africans in Mexico

LGBT immigrants think they have “special” privilege to remain in the United States although many of these individuals are known to be sex offenders, rapist, murderers and pedophiles.

Mexico immigration

From what I understand deportations are scheduled to accelerate in 2021.

Cut LGBT federal and State funding.

If public money given to this organization does not benefit everyone in society (all people) then funding has to be cut from this biased, racist organization and redistributed to organizations that assist and benefit everyone.




The English, African, Haitian and SLAVs seem not to be in control of their sexual desires.

They don’t control their behavior; the LGBT males and females from these groups.


In light of all of this, I want heterosexual Germans in charge of my security detail. 

Heterosexuelle deutsche Männer wirken intelligenter, organisierter und reifer.

From what I have observed they are not interested in my hair (women’s hair in general) nor do they seem interested in wearing women’s clothing or underwear.  I can not say this for some of the English males, I have observed.

And, I notice when German women are attractive, they are never jealous of other women. This is true for women in general.

A lot of the African/Haitian and Slav males have transitioned to looking like females…sort of like females.  Cross dressing.

Remember that individual I mentioned in the 2 previous entries …staying up all night.  That individual is English.  That is an English male who wears a bra.  He is short, angry, vulgar and he wears a bra. There are several of these individuals at Broward Partnership.

Ich würde es vorziehen, wenn die Deutschen für die Sicherheit zuständig wären.

Wouldn’t you?

Nationality doesn’t matter, we are looking for good character.  Heterosexual American men are off fighting wars in other countries.  What about the women and children here in the United States?  Isn’t Germany our ally?


benefits of green tea

Have a nice day.



Broward Partnership (North)

Topic:  Occupants claiming to be “mental health counselors” working “under cover”.


The majority of the occupants at this facility are drug users and chronic alcoholics. Despite this fact, quite a few of the occupants at this North facility claim to be “mental health workers.”  And a few claim or brag about working with “the Police.”  All of these individuals claiming these various affiliations are substance abusers.  And immigrants.

Well from my understanding in Broward County an individual only needs a “certificate” to work in mental health.  And so, I suppose an individual could be a drug addict (with a mental health certificate) employed somewhere in Broward County as a mental health worker.  Suffering from their own mental health issues but still involved in “treating others.”

The fact is; individuals with drug habits seldom tell the truth.

If you are in local law enforcement in Broward County, I suppose you would know all the details of these claims.


Under the table money for “jobs”. 

Many of the immigrants at this facility claim to be receiving cash from one of our government “security” agencies.  I do not know which agency is giving these immigrants “under the table” money for “security jobs.”



Update: The usual vandalizing in the female dorm.  A couple of nights ago, I went to sleep in stretchy, black Yoga pants and a white T- shirt.       …of course I looked cute.

Holes were cut in the Yoga pants and the T – shirt.  I don’t know who did it.

From my experience, LGBT immigrants engage in this type of vandalism.  But I don’t know the meaning behind this behavior is, except that they are poor.  Poor people vandalize property and steal clothing.

There is an individual who sleeps on the next bunk,  who stays up all night.  I asked this individual -I do not know if this person is a male or female.  But I think, this person identifies as a female, so I will use the feminine pronoun- if she was awake all night, she told me she was. She made a hand gestor, implying that maybe she dozed off a bit, here and there but she was still awake through the night.

I asked her if she saw anyone near my bunk during the night. She said no.

I didn’t ask her why, she was awake all night.  This is, one of the individuals who claim to be “under cover” or a “counselor”.  This doesn’t matter, I really don’t speak with this individual, there’s nothing in common.

If you are reading this entry and this individual is your employee; would you have a talk with her.   2’oclock 3’oclock in the morning she’s rustling in her bed, looking over at my bed.  She stays in bed all day.  Awake all night. She probably needs exercise.   …weaned off the drugs and a healthy diet.

She claims, she is being paid to be there (work there).


And one more mention for the week:

The gas went out many days ago and there was no hot water for the showers.  I took a shower in the cold water.  It was just for 1 day. Brisk and refreshing.

The kitchen also lost its gas.  A good Samaritan sent over Pizza from dominos.  Boxes and boxes of pizza!  There was a lot of Pizza.  Pizza for everyone there.

Wasn’t that nice!  It was very thoughtful and nice.

I ate an entire medium pizza all by myself.  The whole medium pizza.   If you sent those pizzas and you are reading this.  Thank you.

I told you what I saw in the kitchen, so this was welcomed…


f5cdc848dc48f88c999799e4e43e1a50French Shabby Chic

Have you ever heard of LilaGrace bath soaps?


The idea probably originated from Princess Lilah and so there must be a Princess or Duchess Grace…

I came across these at SAKS.  But you can get them at many different retail outlets, now. They are French inspired.


Don’t forget to exercise.



Topic: Broward Partnership (Pompano)

The majority of the population at this facility are LGBT homosexual lesbian.  This observation and conclusion is confirmed in homeless statistics.  The homosexual population at this facility is far greater than 40%.



LGBT homosexuals/transsexuals/lesbians

Substance abuse and mental illness is extremely high among these individuals.  In general, most of these individuals are hostile towards women (hetrosexual) especially, the healthier, more attractive women, for some reason.

Homosexuals in general are violent towards women and children, statistics supports this fact.

Vandals, thieves, the mentally ill and drug addicts

Some of the occupants in the female dorms stay awake during the night, waiting for everyone else to go to sleep.  Then after they think the person(s) is asleep, these individuals will get up and rummage through purses, lockers or anything of value.  They steal in the female dorm.

Most of these (middle age 30+) “females” have self identified as lesbians.

These individuals seem to have an uncontrollable sexual attraction to other women.  A lot of this sick, unnatural behavior may be due to a form of jealousy. A lot of the lesbians feel as though they are not attractive or wanted by success hetrosexual men. This  rejection makes them angry or jealous of the women they think hetrosexual men are attracted to.

Since they have been rejected all their lives by men they turn to the same gender. Probably, lesbians wish they could be with a successful hetrosexual man.


Maybe, if these lesbians spent their time developing themselves into decent human beings, they would like themselves more and this would not be a conflict.


Final comment

You may be able to find out if this is true:

Remember, I mentioned in the previous entry that a lot of the immigrants at this facility seem to think they have “preference” for County or city programs and jobs?

I have heard it mentioned that these LGBT individuals have been suing the County and various employers over “homosexual rights”.  You may be able to find out the number and nature of these LGBT lawsuits against the County, companies and Broward municipalities.

These individuals have been claiming “protected status”  and “preference” for housing and employment at the expense of the rest of the population.  Men need employment, women sometimes need to be employed.

Why are homosexuals given “protected” status?  What about everyone else?



I would like to share this information.

This is a brief summary of last night’s “town meeting”.  

In the packed cafeteria dinning room.  Attendees 85% male.

This meeting was held at Broward Partnership (Pompano Beach) February 20, 2020 7:30p.  This meeting was for the occupants and the staff.

Opening the town meeting was the Director of Resident Coordinators.  I will add his name later.  Present, at this meeting was the person in charge of Program Services, Carol.

There were two other female Staff members.

Brief recap:

The Director informed the audience that, this month alone this Pompano Beach facility just received nearly 100 new occupants.  Last month this Pompano facility was at 1/2 capacity.

What attracted 100 people to this facility in 4 weeks?

If last month, this facility was nearly empty, what prompted this sudden influx?

If you pass by the 1700 Blount Road location, there are people sleeping on the sidewalks outside this facility.  (They say they are paid to do this).



The meeting began on a positive note.

3 people stood up and were recognized for having jobs. Everyone clapped.

Then 2 people were recognized and given paper certificates for being good occupants.  Everyone clapped again.  I clapped too.

Other homeless facilities compared to Broward Partnership.

Then this “town meeting” turned dark.

I was scared.

It was a downward spiral:

First, the Director began the spiral by informing the audience that “we” looked at other models of homeless facilities around the Country and “we” all agree; Broward Partnership is the best.

“The other facilities around the Country have strict rules.”      “We don’t.”

“We don’t have strict rules.”      I gather, this is a source of pride.

He continued; “We don’t care, if you return to this facility drunk, as long as you stay to yourself.  We won’t bother you drunk. Just don’t bother anyone else”.


The Director informed us; there are people smoking drugs in the gazebo.  The occupants who use this shabby gazebo or yard area, call it “the bird cage.”.

There are people smoking drugs on the premises in plain sight.

I know what you are thinking: You have never been to a town meeting like this.


So the director’s question to the audience was this:

“Why?  Why, when you have 16 hours a day to use drugs away from the facility, why do you use drugs on the premises?”


The audience clapped to this question.

I didn’t clap.




“If I catch you smoking drugs in the bathroom, automatic discharge.”

Well, that’s a good policy, but what about other areas of the facility?

Next issue: Community Service, Cleaning up the premises.

Question to the audience: “Why can’t you help out in the kitchen?  Why can’t you clean the dorms?

We only need 5 people at a time in the kitchen.  5 people.

That’s only 15 people per day.  There’s over 200 people here!”

The Director talked about discharging occupants.

The spiral continues…

“If you get discharged, we didn’t do that.  You did that to yourself.”  “Don’t blame us.”

“You are suppose to meet with your case manager once a week and talk about progress”.

Carol, from Program Services interjected:

“Let me tell you, how you can stay here…”

“You have to find a job.”

“If you don’t find a job, we will release you in the streets.”  “We will put you on the streets.”

“The street!”

See, right here is where a female would stare at the staff in fright.

Probably, a man would too.  Any person who recently lost their place of domicile.


There was one other staff member, I didn’t get her name.  She talked briefly and very pleasantly about the wonderful services Broward Partnership offers occupants.

The Director concluded the town meeting:

“Yes, that’s right, every thing here is free!  We give you free toothbrushes, free washing powder, free clothes..”

“We give you free toothbrushes.”  free!  “you get free toothbrushes, here.”

“We put in, TV sets in all the dorms.  The County didn’t do that, we did that because we care about you. We put in that new computer lab, the County didn’t pay for that.”

Beds unmade

Director: “Let me ask, one of the children in the back; do you make your beds in the morning?”

Child: “I sure do!”  Audience: clapped

“Why don’t you make your beds?  Suppose somebody wants to come look at the place and donate money, then they see your bed unmade.  You think they are going to want to donate money?  Make your beds!”

The director took a few general questions then the meeting ended.

End of Comment