Broward Partnership (North)

Topic:  Occupants claiming to be “mental health counselors” working “under cover”.


The majority of the occupants at this facility are drug users and chronic alcoholics. Despite this fact, quite a few of the occupants at this North facility claim to be “mental health workers.”  And a few claim or brag about working with “the Police.”  All of these individuals claiming these various affiliations are substance abusers.  And immigrants.

Well from my understanding in Broward County an individual only needs a “certificate” to work in mental health.  And so, I suppose an individual could be a drug addict (with a mental health certificate) employed somewhere in Broward County as a mental health worker.  Suffering from their own mental health issues but still involved in “treating others.”

The fact is; individuals with drug habits seldom tell the truth.

If you are in local law enforcement in Broward County, I suppose you would know all the details of these claims.


Under the table money for “jobs”. 

Many of the immigrants at this facility claim to be receiving cash from one of our government “security” agencies.  I do not know which agency is giving these immigrants “under the table” money for “security jobs.”



Update: The usual vandalizing in the female dorm.  A couple of nights ago, I went to sleep in stretchy, black Yoga pants and a white T- shirt.       …of course I looked cute.

Holes were cut in the Yoga pants and the T – shirt.  I don’t know who did it.

From my experience, LGBT immigrants engage in this type of vandalism.  But I don’t know the meaning behind this behavior is, except that they are poor.  Poor people vandalize property and steal clothing.

There is an individual who sleeps on the next bunk,  who stays up all night.  I asked this individual -I do not know if this person is a male or female.  But I think, this person identifies as a female, so I will use the feminine pronoun- if she was awake all night, she told me she was. She made a hand gestor, implying that maybe she dozed off a bit, here and there but she was still awake through the night.

I asked her if she saw anyone near my bunk during the night. She said no.

I didn’t ask her why, she was awake all night.  This is, one of the individuals who claim to be “under cover” or a “counselor”.  This doesn’t matter, I really don’t speak with this individual, there’s nothing in common.

If you are reading this entry and this individual is your employee; would you have a talk with her.   2’oclock 3’oclock in the morning she’s rustling in her bed, looking over at my bed.  She stays in bed all day.  Awake all night. She probably needs exercise.   …weaned off the drugs and a healthy diet.

She claims, she is being paid to be there (work there).


And one more mention for the week:

The gas went out many days ago and there was no hot water for the showers.  I took a shower in the cold water.  It was just for 1 day. Brisk and refreshing.

The kitchen also lost its gas.  A good Samaritan sent over Pizza from dominos.  Boxes and boxes of pizza!  There was a lot of Pizza.  Pizza for everyone there.

Wasn’t that nice!  It was very thoughtful and nice.

I ate an entire medium pizza all by myself.  The whole medium pizza.   If you sent those pizzas and you are reading this.  Thank you.

I told you what I saw in the kitchen, so this was welcomed…


f5cdc848dc48f88c999799e4e43e1a50French Shabby Chic

Have you ever heard of LilaGrace bath soaps?


The idea probably originated from Princess Lilah and so there must be a Princess or Duchess Grace…

I came across these at SAKS.  But you can get them at many different retail outlets, now. They are French inspired.


Don’t forget to exercise.



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