After meeting with case mgr. Toija Sutherland and her supervisor, Carol Lazarus I thought it was a good idea to give them feedback, below is a copy of the letter.


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June 17, 2020 OPEN LETTER



RE: Feed back from meeting; Carol Lazarus (Program Services)  Toija Sutherland (Case Mgr) and Lilah Shahid (Client) June 15, 2020 at 11am.


Good Evening,

I hope everyone is well.  I would like to briefly touch on a few key points that you, Ms. Lazarus brought up during the meeting.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews).

B. Other clients on premises who recently found employment.

C. Occupant #438.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews)

Ms. Lazarus and I have met briefly, once prior to this meeting.  We addressed an issue or misunderstanding between Ms. Sutherland and myself.  Ms. Sutherland claimed that I did not call her at a designated appointment time. I did call her at the designated time. This misunderstanding was corrected.

First, Ms. Lazurus you asked me how many interviews have I had.  I informed you that since the COVID-19, shut down (which is starting to be lifted) I have not had any, in- person interviews.

As we all know, the County has been shut down.  You, Ms. Lazurus gave the impression that I, in some major way, control the local shut down orders, I know this is ridiculous and surely you did not intend to imply this.

You and Ms. Sutherland did give the impression that I should have been applying for jobs in-person despite the stay at home orders; “you should have been going out looking for a job.”  You didn’t say exactly where I should have been “going out”, except Ms. Sutherland mentioned that I should have been applying at restaurants, in person.  I did mentioned that I have been using the internet, making virtual contacts.

The county was on a stay at home order. Up until recently, businesses all over the Country were shut down, employment and businesses have been stalled. A lot of stores and businesses are still closed.

But now the County is reopening.

B. Other occupants on premises who recently found employment

“Employment has been stalled” But according to you and Ms. Sutherland, this is not so.  You both claim that many people from Broward Partnership have recently found jobs.

Ms. Sutherland claims that a large number of Broward Partnership occupants have been hired at various companies.  She didn’t have the names of these companies but she said that several people are now, new hires as a result of them “beating the pavement.”

According to what the occupants say in the female dorm, only 2 people have jobs.  Two people. This is a main topic in the female dorm. 2 people out of 30.

Apparently, this inaccurate information of new hires at Broward Partnership was intended to show me,  how slack I have been in my job searches.  Am I correct with this inference?  I am not going to use the exact wording, you used Ms. Lazarus because I am a lady, I do not use that kind of derogatory language. But this is what you wanted to convey?

Frankly, I found your tone unnecessarily hostile and negative.  Ms. Lazarus, you do not know my background, nor did you bother to inquire.  You did not ask me pertinent questions such as; “what are your employment goals?”  “are there any barriers to you finding employment?”  “what have you been doing during the COVID-19 shut down?”

Don’t you agree that these are some important questions to ask before making a judgement as to whether or not a client is “progressing” towards “permanent housing”?

From there,  maybe you and Ms. Sutherland could use your expertise to address any perceived barriers or offer advice. The goal would be to remove any perceived barriers and motivate the client.

Ms. Lazarus, do I strike you as a person, not motivated?

C. Occupant #438

I thought DORM issues were addressed by the Resident Coordinators and the RC Director.  And so I saw no reason to go to you, Ms. Lazarus or Ms. Sutherland with any dorm issue.  Obviously, with people living in a community environment, matters and concerns will need to be addressed. I thought the RC’s were doing a good job.

You, Ms. Lazarus informed me that the individual assigned to bed#438 came to you and complained about someone spraying perfume in the female dorm.  #438 (I do not know this person’s true name) communicated to you and other staff members that this perfume causes an allergic reaction.

You asked me, if I have been spraying this perfume. I told you “no”.  I don’t spray any perfume in the dorm.  You informed me that this person #438 has been “choking on the perfume”.  If this were true, I wondered why this person hasn’t called one of the RC’s when the perfume is first sprayed, so the RC can smell the perfume and  correct the problem on the spot?

Question: If the individual’s (#438) health, is that precarious and strained, wouldn’t that individual need medical attention? Or are you going to tell 30 people, who claim to be female to stop wearing perfume?

You also made the statement to me; “you have a problem with [bed #438]”   I don’t have a problem with anyone.  However, there is a problem with theft in the female dorm.

I mentioned to you that this person #438 has a history of stealing and is not honest.  A group of people in the female dorm were complaining about someone going into their lockers, this was several weeks ago.  The person Bed #438 made the statement “that’s the way it is here”.

Since you brought up the habitation conditions in the dorms; $20 dollars was stolen out of my wallet and Bed #438 may have been the one who took the money. I can elaborate on how I drew this conclusion.

You seem, not interested in addressing this theft issue.  You say I’ve been here for 5 months? It has actually been less than 5 months.  The person in Bed #438 has been here for SEVERAL YEARS.  This person is unemployed, refuses to assist with cleaning up the premises.  Uses vulgar language etc. Just out of curiosity, why haven’t you addressed this?

You say, you have been telling females to adjust to this environment.  According to you, environments don’t change.  Of course environments do change.

You are aware of the reoccurring issues in the female dorm; the same complaints of theft, vandalism and violations of personal space, to put it mildly. These matters have been left to fester for a very long time.  When females come to you, why haven’t you been addressing these issues?

Did you intend to tell me that I should adjust to this illegal, criminal activity or did I misunderstand you?  I must have, because we (women) don’t tell people to adjust to corruption.


I do feel like I have grown as a person, over these last 4 months at Broward Partnership.  This experience has been very beneficial.  And I do contributed as much as possible while here. Last month, I was able to register a business with the state of Florida.  The business name is; Lauderdale Beach Yoga, LLC.  After the County fully reopens, I will be providing Yoga classes on the beach.

I will meet with Toija, Ms. Sutherland on Friday at 4p for our bi weekly updates.  If you have any questions or would like to speak with me, please let me know.

Enjoy your evening,

Lilah Shahid


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Many homosexuals are celebrating homosexual pride. this month.

Homosexual pride parades were cancelled this year due to social distancing and so alot homosexuals used the riots as a platform.


This is a racist hate group many of its members are pedophiles and rapist.  Isn’t this a verifiable fact?


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