Immigrants; Africans, White immigrants from the UK and Haitians continue to break into homes.

Home invasions and theft.

There have been fewer incidents due to the recent deportations of criminal immigrants.

These are the immigrants who frequently talk about how they don’t like Americans. Why are these immigrants here in the United States? Because they receive welfare. It’s easier for them, LGBT immigrants to receive welfare in the United States than it is, in their country.

Africans, white immigrants from the UK and Haitians are rapist and pedophiles. Women, girls, boys and sometimes even heterosexual men are attacked by these individuals.

I heard a group of Africans brag about how they raped a man. A group of Africans broke into his house at night, attacked him while he was in his bed. And I heard a group of white immigrants from the UK talking about how they raped another male. Boys have been attacked by these homosexuals.

A lot of these immigrant homosexuals, pedophiles claim to be friendly with homosexual fbi workers. “yeah, I know all those guys”. One of the immigrants told me.

I’m glad these immigrants are being returned to their countries.

LGBT individuals are receiving emigration preference to the United States, all of these individuals are claiming to be “sexually” persecuted in their country.

Many of these Africans LGBT individuals are infected with HIV/Aids same as the Haitians and the homosexual whites from the UK.

LGBT rapist pedophiles.

Africans in the UK are slaves, they are considered to be immigrants. Africans are slaves in Africa.

There is very little video on YouTube, pertaining to life in the UK from the African perspective.

Notice how Africans don’t say anything about their resources being stolen. Violent but very passive, economically.

Do you hear them saying anything about their starving children? All over the continent, every year. Overly sexual but will not provide for their offspring.

What about the Africans living in the United States, do you hear them saying anything about the starving children all over Africa? Same with the Haitians, I guess those places are lovely the way they are.

Whites from the UK are the same as Africans; thieves, pedophiles, rapists, liars etc.

These are thieves, drug addicts, rapist, pedophiles and murders being sent to the United States from the UK and Africa.

It’s very good that they are being removed from the United States.

I came across this LGBT video. The “colored” individual appears to be a transsexual male XY. The one referred to as “Audrey” is also a male, a boy.

Imagine these transexual males in the girl’s restrooms, locker rooms.

Imagine “Audrey” getting into a fight with a first or second grade little girl, here in the United States. Come to think of it, imagine a boy in elementary school getting into a fight with “Audrey”.

“Audrey” looks like she would have no reservations fighting a grown male, a full grown man.

Do you think “Audrey” or the “colored” one, care about hair, makeup and fashion? Do you think they ever will?

Do you think “Audrey” wants to wear a lacy dress? or play with a dump truck?

Also, the individual narrating this footage, if that is her son or daughter she is referring to, why didn’t she share with him or her all this wisdom she has?

Notice the watered down English accent of the individual off camera.

Most individuals in the UK no longer have those ” Jolly Ole chap” accents.

“Get her Audrey!” This is the UK’s violent, hateful culture.

They are so phoney. Phony liars. They lie about their nationalities, they even lie about their gender.


Make sure you exercise and have something healthy.

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