After meeting with case mgr. Toija Sutherland and her supervisor, Carol Lazarus I thought it was a good idea to give them feedback, below is a copy of the letter.


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June 17, 2020 OPEN LETTER



RE: Feed back from meeting; Carol Lazarus (Program Services)  Toija Sutherland (Case Mgr) and Lilah Shahid (Client) June 15, 2020 at 11am.


Good Evening,

I hope everyone is well.  I would like to briefly touch on a few key points that you, Ms. Lazarus brought up during the meeting.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews).

B. Other clients on premises who recently found employment.

C. Occupant #438.


A. Lilah’s personal progress at Broward Partnership  (Employment and Interviews)

Ms. Lazarus and I have met briefly, once prior to this meeting.  We addressed an issue or misunderstanding between Ms. Sutherland and myself.  Ms. Sutherland claimed that I did not call her at a designated appointment time. I did call her at the designated time. This misunderstanding was corrected.

First, Ms. Lazurus you asked me how many interviews have I had.  I informed you that since the COVID-19, shut down (which is starting to be lifted) I have not had any, in- person interviews.

As we all know, the County has been shut down.  You, Ms. Lazurus gave the impression that I, in some major way, control the local shut down orders, I know this is ridiculous and surely you did not intend to imply this.

You and Ms. Sutherland did give the impression that I should have been applying for jobs in-person despite the stay at home orders; “you should have been going out looking for a job.”  You didn’t say exactly where I should have been “going out”, except Ms. Sutherland mentioned that I should have been applying at restaurants, in person.  I did mentioned that I have been using the internet, making virtual contacts.

The county was on a stay at home order. Up until recently, businesses all over the Country were shut down, employment and businesses have been stalled. A lot of stores and businesses are still closed.

But now the County is reopening.

B. Other occupants on premises who recently found employment

“Employment has been stalled” But according to you and Ms. Sutherland, this is not so.  You both claim that many people from Broward Partnership have recently found jobs.

Ms. Sutherland claims that a large number of Broward Partnership occupants have been hired at various companies.  She didn’t have the names of these companies but she said that several people are now, new hires as a result of them “beating the pavement.”

According to what the occupants say in the female dorm, only 2 people have jobs.  Two people. This is a main topic in the female dorm. 2 people out of 30.

Apparently, this inaccurate information of new hires at Broward Partnership was intended to show me,  how slack I have been in my job searches.  Am I correct with this inference?  I am not going to use the exact wording, you used Ms. Lazarus because I am a lady, I do not use that kind of derogatory language. But this is what you wanted to convey?

Frankly, I found your tone unnecessarily hostile and negative.  Ms. Lazarus, you do not know my background, nor did you bother to inquire.  You did not ask me pertinent questions such as; “what are your employment goals?”  “are there any barriers to you finding employment?”  “what have you been doing during the COVID-19 shut down?”

Don’t you agree that these are some important questions to ask before making a judgement as to whether or not a client is “progressing” towards “permanent housing”?

From there,  maybe you and Ms. Sutherland could use your expertise to address any perceived barriers or offer advice. The goal would be to remove any perceived barriers and motivate the client.

Ms. Lazarus, do I strike you as a person, not motivated?

C. Occupant #438

I thought DORM issues were addressed by the Resident Coordinators and the RC Director.  And so I saw no reason to go to you, Ms. Lazarus or Ms. Sutherland with any dorm issue.  Obviously, with people living in a community environment, matters and concerns will need to be addressed. I thought the RC’s were doing a good job.

You, Ms. Lazarus informed me that the individual assigned to bed#438 came to you and complained about someone spraying perfume in the female dorm.  #438 (I do not know this person’s true name) communicated to you and other staff members that this perfume causes an allergic reaction.

You asked me, if I have been spraying this perfume. I told you “no”.  I don’t spray any perfume in the dorm.  You informed me that this person #438 has been “choking on the perfume”.  If this were true, I wondered why this person hasn’t called one of the RC’s when the perfume is first sprayed, so the RC can smell the perfume and  correct the problem on the spot?

Question: If the individual’s (#438) health, is that precarious and strained, wouldn’t that individual need medical attention? Or are you going to tell 30 people, who claim to be female to stop wearing perfume?

You also made the statement to me; “you have a problem with [bed #438]”   I don’t have a problem with anyone.  However, there is a problem with theft in the female dorm.

I mentioned to you that this person #438 has a history of stealing and is not honest.  A group of people in the female dorm were complaining about someone going into their lockers, this was several weeks ago.  The person Bed #438 made the statement “that’s the way it is here”.

Since you brought up the habitation conditions in the dorms; $20 dollars was stolen out of my wallet and Bed #438 may have been the one who took the money. I can elaborate on how I drew this conclusion.

You seem, not interested in addressing this theft issue.  You say I’ve been here for 5 months? It has actually been less than 5 months.  The person in Bed #438 has been here for SEVERAL YEARS.  This person is unemployed, refuses to assist with cleaning up the premises.  Uses vulgar language etc. Just out of curiosity, why haven’t you addressed this?

You say, you have been telling females to adjust to this environment.  According to you, environments don’t change.  Of course environments do change.

You are aware of the reoccurring issues in the female dorm; the same complaints of theft, vandalism and violations of personal space, to put it mildly. These matters have been left to fester for a very long time.  When females come to you, why haven’t you been addressing these issues?

Did you intend to tell me that I should adjust to this illegal, criminal activity or did I misunderstand you?  I must have, because we (women) don’t tell people to adjust to corruption.


I do feel like I have grown as a person, over these last 4 months at Broward Partnership.  This experience has been very beneficial.  And I do contributed as much as possible while here. Last month, I was able to register a business with the state of Florida.  The business name is; Lauderdale Beach Yoga, LLC.  After the County fully reopens, I will be providing Yoga classes on the beach.

I will meet with Toija, Ms. Sutherland on Friday at 4p for our bi weekly updates.  If you have any questions or would like to speak with me, please let me know.

Enjoy your evening,

Lilah Shahid


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Many homosexuals are celebrating homosexual pride. this month.

Homosexual pride parades were cancelled this year due to social distancing and so alot homosexuals used the riots as a platform.


This is a racist hate group many of its members are pedophiles and rapist.  Isn’t this a verifiable fact?



TOPIC: Approximate dates to check for male occupants entering the female dorm.


May 13 –  20, 2020 Between the hours of 11p-6:30a


This would be around the time I heard the rumors about Bed  #442 (Aunt Jamima’s) boyfriend entering the female dorm during the night.

I don’t know if this is true but this is what some of the occupants claim.

Keep in mind that at least 98% of Broward Partnership occupants are substance abusers and LGBT immigrants with a history of sexual assault, rape, pedophilia, theft etc.




TOPIC: Broward Partnership improvements: renovations, community garden, occupants in female dorm. 

The female bathroom renovations are finished.  The entire bathroom was not renovated but the stalls were replaced and I think the pluming was upgraded.  The facets are new.

The floor and the shower was not renovated.  But this area looks better.

Landscaping on the grounds.  Over the last week, mulch has been placed on the grounds.  This mulch trims the grass areas near the walk ways.  The staff working on this project look like they could use some help.  I wonder why the male occupants don’t volunteer to assist? They could help remove weeds and spread fertilizer.

The transsexual males XY in the female dorm who don’t like to do “housework” could assist.

You just see them sitting around watching the process.


Wouldn’t it be nice if a community garden could be planted? This would be a great activity for the children on the premises?  There are many benefits of community gardens,  makes children more caution of their diets, teaches them the importance of eating vegetables.  More likely to eat more vegetables.  Builds community, studies shows that community gardens reduce crime in neighborhood.  Teaches residents responsibility and pride in their neighborhood.  Good idea.



I Registered Lauderdale Beach Yoga, LLC with the state of Florida.

I’m currently getting prepared for interviews and business meetings, so I have purchase some stylish outfits (stores are open).  Now since the states are reopening we can resume business.



TOPIC: Occupants


I found out a few days ago that many of these LGBT immigrants have been living at Broward Partnership for MANY YEARS.  Bed #442 (South American Aunt Jamima) has been living at this facility for 4 years.  Four years.   There are others.

Bed #428 (another immigrant) has been here for several years.  This was the “smoker” who throws her butts on the grass, I spoke about a few entries ago.

Remember, I suggested that she and the others who smoke pick up/retrieve those butts from the grass? DESIGNATED smoking areas.

The homosexual, drug lifestyle.

Most of the LGBT substance abusers live at Broward Partnership seasonally, several months at a time.  They leave then after a few months they return. Rotating between Henderson clinic, living in group homes for drug addicts etc.  All at the County’s and the State expense.

I don’t know their situation, most of them may be due for deportation and Broward Parnership may be used to hold those LGBT immigrants who are due for deportation.  Many of these immigrants are sex offenders.


Bed #438 

The one I described as having an “old lady” appearance.  This individual is not an old lady.  This is a transsexual male XY, possibly late 30’s.  This individual looks older from the heavy drug use and the homosexual lifestyle.

She (this individual identifies as a “she” steals out of lockers, purses, bags anything she thinks may hold something remotely valuable.   She stole $20 out of my bag a few days ago.  June 4  She probably has a drug habit.  And I suspect this individual is diabetic.

After she stole the money, she quickly left the female dorm dorm.  I was in the bathroom looking in the mirror and I left my bag on my bed.  I was wondering why she was hoovering around my bed while I was back and forth looking in the mirror at my hair and makeup etc.

This individual #438 has been at  Broward Partnership for several years.  This individual is a white immigrant.  A transsexual XY male who discusses her sexual activity like a male.

I think this particular immigrant is English.  English, the same as  macho man.


This is what she has been doing for years to previous occupants (mostly females XX).  This individual does not like women and She has expressed her disliking for women, graphically by mentioning the female anatomy parts and physiology in an unpleasant, crude manner.

She talks like a vulgar, angry man.  She behaves like a male, a sick male but none the less a male. Then, it is expected that people think of this transsexual male XY as a female.  This individual is violent.

This individual #438 has described on several occasions what she would like to do to an occupant, while they slept   …then pull the blanket over their head.  Do women XX talk this way?

The “something” this individual mentioned is disgusting.  She talks as if she has already done this sickening thing.

This individual refuses to assist in clean up.  She seems to be always in the bed.  I leave, she is on the premises, I return she is in the bed.  All day.

But I don’t know her situation.  I think this individual #438 dates African/Haitian males and has an aversion to females, especially attractive females.

And she gets up several times during the night and deliberately knocks against my bed.  Since she probably has diabetes her kidneys would be strained.

All of these occupants I have mentioned are arrogant LGBT immigrants who act like the United States (and Americans in general) owe them free housing.  Free housing at the expense of American women, and American families.

These immigrants have been at Broward Partnership for YEARS and there has been a backlog for allowing American females XX in need of emergency into this facility. Records will verify this.

These LGBT immigrants XY sleep all day.  Refuse to contribute, refuse to even clean the premises.   Most are vulgar.   They spend the majority of their time talking about being “sexy” with both males and females.  Many are infected with HIV/Aids.

They seem to think they have preference for Broward County resources because they are LGBT individuals.

There have been American women in Broward county over the years who have need emergency housing.  They have been turned away.  This is what I have heard from these LGBT immigrants.

This is why these immigrants have become so arrogant, idle, indolent, shiftless and slothful.  They think they have “special homosexual status“.

Look at Broward County records for the immigrants being housed at this facility.  See where their income has been coming from.



I”m being completely honest with my observations and assessments.  I do not intend to be insulting:

This group of individuals have self identified as LGBT; engaging in homosexual/bisexual sexual activity on Broward Partnership premises.

These are not people with decent morals.

#428 (the smoker)

#432 (African Pride)  I think this individual is African. But she claims to be American.

#438 (old lady)  English transsexual male late 30’s

#442 (Hispanic Aunt Jamima) with sexy mate

Fat and sassy, she has been living at Broward Partnership for so long, 4 years that no one dare, ever to tell her to leave or that she is being deported. “stupid Americans”  “stupido”

Although, she claims to be female and she claims Broward Partnership to be her permanent home, …she refuses to clean up when asked.

…and she talks like a man.    Boisterous and loud.

Food just appear in the dinning facility for her and her sexy mate.

Free water, fall out of the facets. And resources magically appear; free healthcare, free everything have magically appeared for the past 4 years. While she behaves like a grumpy old man.

During the day, she spends her time in bed or in that smoking, drug addict area call the bird cage/gazebo, in the center of the grass area.

At night, she’s sexy Aunt Jamima  …Hispanic Aunt Jamima.

…and her sexy mate may come visit the female dorm during the night.  Who knows maybe this sexy mate, who appears to be infected with HIV will jump into an unsuspecting female bed.

#444 Sexy bunny …Mr. Sexy Bunny (this individual is a transsexual male XY who identifies as a she).  She blows kisses at people, like a girl.

All are substance abusers; drug addicts or alcoholics.   I think the majority of the occupants are classified as intellectually disabled/mentally ill.

Bed #446

Bares a striking resemblance to Frankenstein’s Igor.  Transsexual male who identifies as a female. Immigrant with straight dark hair and a hunched back. So I will refer to this individual using the feminine pronouns. I gather from listening to this individual that this is a sex offender.

#446 (Igor)  This individual is sexually attracted to both males and females.  But still jealous of pretty females.  Picture a hunched back, homosexual psychopath who does not like females. I make this characterization because this individual has said some awful things about women, in general.

This individual never cleans up.  She says she can’t work.

An immigrant receiving welfare.

Then why is this individual at Broward Partnership?  A place people come, seeking employment and to straighten out their housing situation.


#426 Paul Bunion (This individual identifies as a FEMALE but looks like a tree climber who can easily chop down a tree.)  Has threaten violence about 2 weeks ago.  She was extremely agitated and was trembling, she said she was off her meds.  No, She yelled that she was off her meds.  I mistakenly refer to this individual as a he.  See camaras at >>>>>

#424 Macho man (Has threaten violence in the past) This individual told a group of people that she has male genitals.  Sir Macho man, since she’s English. Macho stopped taking her meds for awhile, by her own admission.

#418 Goldie locks… Mr. Goldie Locks (A bit brawny. She seems to be very proud of her long blond tresses) frequently giddy and once snapped at me because I asked her what she was doing looking underneath my bed and the adjacent bed.

She actually bumped into me while I was in bed. She said she was looking for a frog. She was angry because I made the inquiry.    A frog.


  • abuse drugs and/or alcohol
  • unproductive, uncooperative will not assist in clean up, able bodied will not assist or contribute in any productive fashion.
  • transsexual males XY in the female dorm often angry, frequently threaten violence
  • transsexual males awake during the night, sneaking around stealing out of bags, lockers, purses etc.  Have been sexually assaulting female occupants during the night.  This is while the female is asleep.

98% are LGBT immigrants waiting on welfare or possibly on hold for deportation.

Middle age, 30+ with chronic health issues due to irresponsible sexual lifestyle.  They don’t intend to ever be productive in the United States.


There is a Season… of improvements

There is still significant improvements at this facility.  There is a greater degree of industriousness in the atmosphere.

Obviously, people dealing with substance abuse need professional treatment.

But for the people who come to this facility as a stepping stone (intersection) to improve their economic situation; a clear path is present and thanks to the leadership from staff, local law enforcement and our elected officials; a clearer,  broader path is being forged…

All embracing; safe housing for women, for all American citizens. 

Broward Partnership is being cleaned up.


Males and females should be placed in separate dorms. These transsexual males XY should not be placed in the female dorm.  In addition to them being males XY, all of them are on drugs.

Broward County and State records can verify the true gender of these individuals, since most of them are not honest.

These are, in many cases; 200 lbs males being placed in beds beside females.  These are drug addict males in this female dorm.


I think non substance abusers should be placed away from substance abusers.

Drug addicts have a different lifestyle from none substance abusers.  Many, if not all drug addicts are angry and violent.  They don’t seem to be in control of their behavior.

Those suffering from addiction need treatment. Most of these individuals are already receiving welfare or are in the process of receiving welfare.

People and families here at Broward Partnership due to job loss or an economic down turn, face a completely different set of challenges.






  1. Check cameras May 13 –  20, 2020 Between the hours of 11p-6:30a
  2. #438 Old lady  needs to be addressed for stealing $20, has also been vandalizing property.  Nothing can be left around this individual, she will steal.   And she justifies the stealing, “well, that’s just the way it is here”.

#438 and #446 Igor have been working together during the night.  They lie awake at night waiting for everyone to fall asleep, then they rummage through personal belongings (sound familiar)? #432 African Pride, seems to be their look out.

Unchecked in the past, this behavior has become part of Broward Partnership’s informal culture. Sneaking around during the night.

From what I have heard them say neither of these individuals (Old lady and Igor) are sexually attracted to females.  They don’t like females.

From listening to them, I gather they will and/or have already done harm to females. They are like angry homosexual males who constantly express intense hate for females. Graphic comments.

These two individuals have been sneaking around during the night undressing women in their beds. 

I think they get a homosexual, sexual gratification from doing this.  I don’t understand this behavior, except that it has been expressed that these two are castrated males on female hormones and they have been in sexual relationships with other males, by their own admission.


So I don’t know why these individuals are preoccupied with women.

I now sleep with my bed covered.  I still have a bottom bunk.  I decided to keep this arrangement.  I can simply cover the railings.


Finally, and this is serious; there is another “hair cutter” among us.  It is rumored to be a female individual on staff during the overnight shift. Between 11:00p-6:30a.

Possibly the first “hair cutter” mentioned in the Grievance wasn’t working alone.

A few days ago when I first had the idea to cover my bed area, I woke up and my hair was cut.

The one night since the last incident, that I didn’t braid it up.

African/Haitian immigrants are known to sneak around during the night and cut women’s hair.

As we all know, Africans and Haitian women tend to be bald or baldish.  They usually grow their hair in matted clumps of dread locks or glue/sew fake hair to their scalps.

Maybe, they want all women to be bald or baldish, just like them.

I guess, I keep forgetting how valuable my bushy, curly hair is.

Pardon me.

You know, if this is an individual (rotten to the core apple) on staff, this person needs treatment.  A person like this would be on drugs. What do you think?

Well, GOD saw the guilty individual.


I am very quiet in the dorm. There is really nothing to talk about.

When I am there all I hear from these individuals is how badly they want to have sex with someone, anyone.


The lowest language imaginable.  These are mentally ill drug addicts and so there is nothing to talk about, with them.

I was playing the ADHAN, this individual #442 used profanity while this was playing.  This individual is not to ever speak to me again. 


Illegal immigrants scheduled for deportation should be kept separate from Americans expecially American women and children.

Maybe I should use another name for bed #442, I don’t want to mar the pancake image.



TOPIC: Broward Partnership (LGBT immigrant rapist on premises.)


It is possible that there may be rapists on Broward Partnership premises. I think a few immigrant sex offenders/rapist have already left this facility, recently.

But there may be a few still on the premises.  These are LGBT immigrants who are probably due for deportation.

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The African or Haitian male that I described (LGBT male late 20’s early 30’s infected with HIV/Aids) who may have entered the female dorm during the time frame I gave, would be a rapist.  I have heard that American females in particular have been attacked by this  individual (African/Haitian immigrant) in the past.




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I received the following information:  There is a sex offender, a LGBT immigrant  male being housed in the male dorm.  (There may be several.)

However, it is my understanding that this particular immigrant has been sexually assaulting females on Broward Partnership premises, for some time.  I do not know for how long; months or years.

I am told that this individual is actually a homosexual who wants to be a female.

I don’t know this individual’s identity.  I do not know any of the occupants. A few, I may exchange cordial greetings, make comments to, or ask brief questions.  I do not know any of the occupants beyond this.

Continuing; this immigrant is said to be infected with HIV/Aids.  He is African or Haitian late 20’s-early 30’s.  Very thin (from the infection) and I am told; he is borderline mentally retarded.


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The other individual I described:

A second possible male.  Today, I heard his name is CHRISTIAN or something similar.  This male is an ethnic white immigrant, obese or heavy set.  For some reason this individual, who pretends to be deaf, approaches me when he see me.  I saw and heard this individual, in the laundry room conversing with another occupant with his back turned; meaning this individual CAN HEAR and speak.


The above individual looks to be a SLAV.

And so these immigrant rapists will continue until they are captured and prevented from causing harm to women and children.  Both of these LGBT males may be infected with HIV/Aids and if they are, they will infected others.  They may have all ready infected others.


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I will do my part; which is to; do right and share information…

…and nature/the law will run its course.


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Changing the subject.

This happened last week, I believe it was Wednesday. SHIRLEY was the RC on duty. 

One other thing I wanted to mentioned about the individual who pretends to be deaf.  A few days ago, this individual entered the dinning facility near closing time at approximately 6:45p.  The dinning facility closes at 7p.

At 7:15p this individual was alone in the dinning facility and refused to leave. SHIRLEY asked him to leave.  He wouldn’t leave.  She left him sitting in the dinning facility alone.  One of the cooks asked him to leave around 7:15p he got up and left his food tray on the table.  Staff had to tell him to remove it.


This individual pretends to be deaf, so more than likely he is receiving SSI for a “disability”.  He is at the facility just walking around, all day; making baby noises like he wants people to think he’s desirable and can not hear.

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This is an immigrant, adult LGBT male who weights nearly 250lbs. Obese. He does not assist with clean up.


I heard him conversing with another occupant in a LOUD voice with his back turned.   Around females, this individual behaves violently. He is a LGBT male, so he doesn’t like women.

I think this is one of the male occupants who have been entering the female dorm at night.

You see this kind of strange, irrational behavior (described above) from the individuals involved in violating rules (stay out of the female dorm) and laws (do not engaging in drug use on the premises).


How is this case coming along?




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TOPIC:  Broward Partnership (recent dorm moves, cooking staff)

About 3 days ago, the person in bed 427 was moved to the bed below mine, this would be 424.

This was good because this person was no longer in the bed next to mine.


I requested to moved to the other side of the female dorm over a month ago.  But the Resident Coordinators said they did not like to move people to different beds.  Although, of course occupants have been moved in the past.

Yesterday, I was given a move to the other side of the female dorm.  Good.  I was given a bottom bed.  Most of the occupants prefer bottom beds.  I do not.  I prefer to be on the top bed.

Also, the bottom beds in the female dorm on that side are full.  Every single bottom bed is filled.  So it is extremely congested at the bottom.


Also, I think the top bed is safer for me, (or any American female being housed) at this facility.

The “lecturer” was also moved, she is in the bottom bed across from me. Now she has been given “bed rest” status. So why was she moved? And so close to me.

It makes sense to keep all the “bed rest” individuals together on the other side, since they stay up all night brawling, then sleep all day.

Today, SHARON asked me if the moved was OK, I said it was and I did ask her about a top bed, she said the facility will be closing next week and everyone will be moved out of the dorms then moved back.  (disinfectant sanitizing etc.) I could request a top bed after this process.


But really, there is no reason why I can’t be placed in a top bed now, all of the top beds are available now.  And the Resident Coordinators just placed another female occupant in one of those empty top beds this afternoon.

I would like to be moved to a top bed immediately.

You know I sense Good Will in this situation.  Thank you, if you assisted in this move.




Topic: The Cooks/Chef in Broward Partnership Kitchen

I am going to be completely honest about my opinion.

Here is something I wanted to mention…

When immigrants are permitted to enter a given county; they enter that country as a guest.  A guest.

The host country (the natives) has offered asylum to the immigrant.

Don’t we all agree that immigrants should to be grateful?

They should be productive and contribute. After all they are guest.



Yesterday, I over heard one of the cooks use the word “beg” after one of the occupants asked her for his dinner.  It was dinner time.  But for some reason the staff has been closing the dinner facility early every night.  Maybe 30 minutes early. So he had to go into the back kitchen and ask for his dinner.

The occupant, left without getting his dinner.   Angry or frazzled.

The dispute was over the use of Styrofoam trays.  From what I understood; due to the cost of these trays, a limit has been placed on how many staff can use on a given day.  There are 100 trays in a package, only 30 can be used per day.

From what I have observed there is no need (high use) for these trays.   The facility has started using Styrofoam plates instead of dishes to serve the occupants, which is much more sanitary.  The trays however, are not really necessary.


This is Styrofoam and Broward Partnership does not recycle.  Nothing is being recycled bottles, cans, plastic etc.

Continuing, the cook on duty seemed to think that the occupant was asking her for a favor when he was asking for his dinner.  He told everyone before, that he was just getting back from work, a construction type job.

The cook’s tone was a bit hostile.

Here is the irony; the cook is an immigrant, arrogant enough to use the word “beg” towards an occupant.


The person she was talking to happen to be Native American.  Well, he looks Native American to me. I have no idea which tribe (and the tribe doesn’t matter).

The food at this center is paid for through government grants, local, state and federal. Donations are given by good Samaritans.  All of the food and resources at this center are intended for the occupants.

In contrast, the cooking staff are employees of this facility, they are not entitled to the occupants’ food or resources.  Correct?

Still, the cooks/chef at this facility take food with them, when they leave.  Obviously, all of them are having difficulty affording groceries, like a lot of people.

To my knowledge the cooking/chef are allowed to take the food, the occupants do not eat (left overs).  From what I have seen there is a lot of food left over in the evenings.

If their families need food and they can’t afford to buy groceries…a lot of this uneaten food would go into the garbage.  I don’t see a reason for them not to have this food. Do you?


But why the resentment and hostility towards the occupants?


One of the other cooks her name is MARY.  Mary routinely gets angry at people (occupants) for asking for seconds.  This cook is extremely rude.  Very loud.  Very disagreeable.

When volunteers show up to assist in the kitchen, she is disrespectful to the majority of them.  She uses foul language by default.

Then in the evenings sometimes, I see her taking carts filled with food home with her.

I thought her behavior was cultural, she is Haitian. A lot of Haitians behave this way.

Substance abuse may be involved.

She was hostile toward me a couple of times, I brought her behavior to her attention, maybe she was not aware of herself.  She needs to be in control of her behavior and practice professionalism.



Assisting in the Kitchen

This is one reason (Mary’s tone) why some of the occupants are deterred from assisting or doing chores on these premises. Someone brought this up to me.

I have been assisting frequently in the kitchen.  I think all of the occupants should assist in clean up.


One other thing about Mary, I’m remembering she made a comment that she wishes Broward Partnership would be shut down and destroyed.  She frequently acts as if she is being forced to work at this facility.  Couldn’t she just quit?

There are a lot of starving Haitians who wish they could come to the United States and work as a cook.

More than likely acquaintances (fellow immigrants) of theirs are asking them to bring them food.  What do you think?




You know, the floor in the dinning room has been redone. The floor looks new. Really good work was done on this floor. The improvement is unbelievable.

I was surprised to learn that the floor had not been replaced -because it looks new- it was refinished. If you saw it before, you should come see it now.

fcdf3bc06d3d23fcbcc8adf6597943d9 The improvement is much more dramatic than this picture.
