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Break in, vandalism and stealing


Yesterday one of my storage units were broken into.  This happened on February 28, 2019 during the afternoon between the hours 11a-4p.  I was at the gym most of the day.

I had 5 locks on the unit’s door.   Yes, 5.

4 of the locks appear to have been picked.   One of the locks was broken off.

This unit contains mostly clothing.  The unit was ransacked and items were broken.


Inside the unit toxic a substance was sprayed on the walls. I noticed the unit felt damp. My eyes teared and I started sneezing when I opened the door.

Clothing hanging on racks were torn and ripped.  Dresses were torn, the seams were taken out and buttons were torn off of jackets .  An oil like substance was splashed on T-shirts.


Homosexuals are known to destroy possessions belonging to women out of jealousy.


I was told that fbi workers broke into the unit.


The thief (thieves) brought cock roaches with them, roaches and trash was left all over the building. In the hallways at the entrance of the building. From what I have seen, these individuals tend to be on drugs.


Apparently, some of these individuals (the guilty) are worried about my mentioning Mr. Marten (the murder) and the whereabouts of his eldest daughter.

Also, this issue (which will be cleared up soon) of this individual claiming to be Ruby Bradford Thompson (my mother).

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All of this violence and lying was/is over money.

You can see the number of properties owned by Mr. Marten and his family. (through public records, real estate)

Mr. Marten was/is a very good friend of mine and his took care of his family.  A good person.


And as a last mention, one of my flowered tank tops was stolen and it look like the thief tried on my bras and underwear.    I think it was a male.  (probably a homosexual/transsexual)

Image result for flower tank top picturesThe tank top (undershirt) looked similar to this.

This unit was also broken into on Monday February 25, 2019.

I have also heard that fbi workers are known to cross dress in women’s clothing.  Supposedly this makes them feel “sexy”.

I suppose, I never knew how desperate, individuals could become.

I will keep you abreast of further developments.

End of entry.


All the lies you tell and the uncleanliness you wallow in, is in vain.

GOD has you.  You will never get away.


Mr. Marten’s daughter.  If you passed away, (murdered) wouldn’t you want your children found (if they were lost or missing) and brought to safety?

You would expect our society to be decent and do what is right, wouldn’t you?

The local immigrants mentioned that she (his daughter) was attacked by 7 males paid by fbi workers.  She may have been in Tampa or somewhere near that area.

The immigrants also mentioned that she is being held against her will.

